Mental Health Justice is proud to announce...
...that a CA based filmmaker has received a modest gift to put together a short length documentary (in the 30-40 minute range) about our Mental Health Justice community.
Obviously, we want everyone in our community to take part. However, our limited budget ONLY allows us to shoot in California. Since, our community is nationwide, we want to offer a solution to those who want to participate. And since, we are a creative and resourceful community, we think we have a simple resolution–you can shoot your own interview at home and send it to us! Just point the camera at yourself and answer the question, "Why are you a member of mental health justice community?"
Hit the button below and it will walk you through the process of sending us a video. Our membership is from every area of the United States, so wherever you are from–we'd love you to participate in this special project.
If you live in California, we may be able to interview you in person. So please let us know.
Thank you everyone.
Mental Health Justice. No stigma, no judgment. Everyone is welcome.