It's time to TELL YOUR STORY: Almost!

I believe the only way our society will ever overcome the stigma and judgment, attached to mental illness, is for all of us who have endured this disease to tell our stories–openly and unabashedly. 

When we launched some two months ago, our plans were to immediately make this site available for anyone who was willing to tell their story. The response to our message of mental health justice has been amazing and overwhelming.  Managing that incredible response has slowed our plans for the launch of our TELL YOUR STORY campaign. 

However, the team has been working hard to prepare for the campaign and the program will launch some time next week. With the risk of being too mysterious, I will be revealing more details about our campaign and how you can TELL YOUR STORY over the next few days. 

I am very excited about the upcoming launch. I am equally moved and humbled with everyone's participation in our movement toward mental health justice. 

No stigma, no judgment. Everyone is welcome.
