The Daughter of Robin William, Zelda, Reaches Out, As World Suicide Prevention Day Approaches.

Zelda Williams, the daughter of Robin Williams is speaking out about depression and offering hope for those suffering from the mental illness. Her powerful quote from her Instagram site is affirmation of her grief but also of her desire to encourage others.  

I have been diagnosed with Severe Depression, so this issue is very personal. I am living proof that one can overcome their illness and continue to live purposefully–in spite of the challenges that come with depression.

I believe awareness and openness are the mothers of recovery. That's why we are so committed to our Tell Your Story video campaign and why we regularly post insightful quotes from our members. 

Dolores at mental health awareness candlelight vigil this year.

Dolores at mental health awareness candlelight vigil this year.

Join our Online Candle Light Vigil Campaign for Suicide Awareness 

To do our part for World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10, 2015, we are asking all our members to join in our virtual candlelight vigil. Simply take a picture of yourself with a burning candle. Then:

  1. Post the picture to our Facebook Page and please include a message if you'd like. 
  2. Send us the picture at and we will post it. 
  3. Post this suicide hotline prevention poster on your Facebook page. 

Thank you Zelda, you are very brave. Yes, there are enough yellow moons for all of us to share. 

Mental Health Justice. No stigma, no judgment. Everyone is welcome. 
